
Friday, November 9, 2012

Worry tears.

I cried today.  I cried worry tears walking out of the office, driving in my car, on the phone with my mom, and even as I picked up Myles' homework from school (embarrassing - thank goodness his teacher was sweet about it).

Worry tears.  Worried about my little boy who is trying so hard to get better, but he just can't seem to kick whatever he has.  Worried about how sick he is and if it is something more serious than just a virus.  Worried...just mommy worried.

It is my nature to worry.  I try not to, but it is just who I am.  I've been this way since I was a little kid.  Not to mention, we are in uncharted sickness territory over here.  My little boy is just not himself.  I pray that he will get better and I have confidence that he will.  In fact, tonight when I brought home his homework he even wanted to get up to look at it and even did a little bit of it.  Improvement for sure.

I feel for parents of sick children.  Really sick children, who may never get better.  I can't imagine the worry, pain, and tears they shed every day.  There isn't an ailment my children have gone through that I didn't wish I could shoulder myself.  Perspective.

So tonight, I will pray for all of the sick kiddos out there in the world.  I will pray that tomorrow they will wake up with a smile on their little faces.  And of course, I will pray for my little boy to wake up back to his old self again.

In the meantime it will be medicine, sleeping bag, pillow, and hugs over here in our house.


  1. Jake is very concerned. He got off the bus and the first thing he told me was that Myles wasn't in school again and he was worried. We are sending prayers that he is feeling better soon!

    1. How sweet!! Thank you so much. Myles can't wait to get back to all of his friends! Here's hoping for Monday!

  2. Oh no, sounds like more than a cold. Thoughts and prayers for MJ and his Mommy and Daddy who have to worry and watch. Keep us posted. Love ya

    1. Doing better today. Thank goodness. That long with a high fever...not a good thing. :)

  3. I hope he continues to get better! It breaks my heart to see little ones not feeling well, your in my thoughts.


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